How to activate your X4 before Tuesday

I finally figured out how to activate the new X4 since technically the app won’t support it until they update it on Tuesday. On your phones WiFi settings wait for the x4 to pop up, connect to it and enter in “88888888” as the password. Once you’re connected and go back to the app you’ll be prompted to activate your x4.

However, the camera on the app just shows black. The app doesn’t recognize what kind of camera it is. You can take video, but the stitching is pretty bad. I assume the app update with resolve all of this.

360 video still exports at 1440x720. 8k 30fps exports at 4k same as the x3. I can’t really play with any of the setting on the phone right now or look at a user manual so not a lot of new information.

The camera get HOT, I see this becoming an issue like when the iPhone 15 came out. They’ve now included a “thermal grip” it’s like a exoskeleton for the camera recommended to use in while stationary/low wind