adult flu fever and his logical fallacies.
mods please let me know if i did anything wrong and please don’t delete this post. i’m going to counter each and every one of his arguments in his video and point out his logical fallacies. the only reason i make this post is because this dude has been caught red handed being “feminine” and i’ll tell you how. it’s going to be a long read. bear with me.
the video begins with a girl, who probably hasn’t even hit puberty, raising a question. she’s a child. children ask questions. they are curious. hasn’t this egg sack come across children asking awkward questions too?
the kid asks, “why do we say man-made? why can’t we say people-made?” and that is followed by the mother asking “who told you that” and she says “i learnt it in social studies.” i know people can watch the video but it is crucial i type this all out. then she says “aren’t women building the eiffel tower or something?”
is there anything wrong here? no. has the word “female” or “woman” used in people-made or human-made? no. the kid is asking for the use of gender-neutral language. the only reason this guy calls it misandry is because the kid is a girl. if it was a boy, he’d call him a simp, blame the mother and move on. but here, he says this is “radicalism in young kids” bro is literally tryna hate a kid.
then this goofball says “manipulating so many young girls and already setting them on the track of misandry. and then being proud of it.” wow. i’m stunned. this guy is using four logical fallacies here.
strawmanning the sh*t out of the kid’s argument - he’s basically ignoring the gender neutral aspect of calling something peoplemade and is instead focused on “didnt women built the eiffel tower or something”. that is not the argument. the kid is not advocating for a woman-centric terminology. this guy is mispresenting the argument and then fighting imaginary demons.
exaggeration and hyperbole: he is exaggerating the situation and claiming that using gender neutral terms makes her a misandrist. that is a hyperbole fatter than jupiter.
ad hominem: the guy is not addressing the substance of the argument but rather goes on to attack the kids gender. he says SHE is being a misandrist but does not acknowledge or put forth arguments as to why using gender neutral language is wrong.
false equivalence: come on now, do i really have to spell it out now? equating using gender neutral language to being a misandrist is again a logical fallacy which i doubt this egg sack would understand.
advocating for gender neutral language does not equate to advocating for abolishment of men or discrediting their work.
then he goes on to say why isn’t it egalitarianism rather than feminism. and then in the next line says “men are responsible for almost every step of production” dude are you serious? if you are taking this historical context into account then how are women and men starting on the same page? you’re basically agreeing with the fact that men have been prevalent in such work in the past. so why would it be called egalitarianism? where’s the logic?
it taks one google search to know that misandry is defined as “the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys.” the girl is literally advocating for gender neutral terms. now i know this may be a wild concept to you but maybe, just maybe gender-neutral isn’t just about men and women but also trans people. they were present in mahabharata too so don’t get your panties in a twist, okay boy?
and oh my god the way he says “men are the active participants of every steps in production and manufacturing” notice how he doesn’t take household work into account? if your wife or mom wasn’t cooking for you, making the bath for you or doing other menial tasks for your lazy ass , do you think you’d still be able to perform the same way in the industry? and i don’t know about you guys but i have seen many women on construction sites as well. where does this guy even live?
it takes one google search to know that 12 percent women are part of the construction industry in india and while that is not a relatively significant number in comparison to 50 million men, it still takes around 7 million women into account.
this guy seriously needs to banned and i feel sad that radicalism in young men is only going to perpetuate hatred. if dude believes that advocating for gender neutral vocabulary is misandry then that proves nothing but his own fragility. tell me adult flu fever supporters, this is the guy you support? seriously?
then he goes on to say in his caption that NO women were involved in the making of eiffel tower. might i suggest you go take a look at who marie sophie germain was.
i know people are going to say we should ignore such people and not give them attention but it is also crucial to weed out bad apples. his entire content is full of logical fallacies. i am yet to come across a single content where he spews logic instead of his hatred. his content is bereft of logic and then he says he stands for men’s rights. brother i thought men are supposed to be logical and not emotional. but it seems like you’re taking a KIDS words personally lmao.
i genuinely want to know what are the reasons that men support him? he has no logic in his arguments and is clearly misconstruing facts to manipulate lonely insecure guys who are young.
please stop listening to this incel. and i know you’re reading this, VK, please stop posting on instagram and go talk to actual people to see how they actually function.