Feature loaded mains marks calculator - SOON


Hi everyone,

Edit : Website up and running baby! check it out

website link : http://prodijee.in/

join for updates and suggestions at https://discord.gg/tsg8BP3f

page will be updated once the answer keys are released and adjustments are made accordingly

I have built a response sheet to marks calculator and have added some epic and not-seen-before features in it :

  1. Percentile calculation (how nta does) based on relative scores of candidates of that particular shift
  2. Average marks of students in those shifts to keep a sense of your competition
  3. The usual detailed analysis on each subject - correct, wrong, accuracy marks etc

But I will require the answer keys (links) for all shifts once they are out to make the site work

So once the answer keys are out you might hear from me again, mods pls push this post if possible. open for suggestions
