4 Questions

If its okey for y'all too, i want to ask 4 questions.

1) How to pronounce 勉強,東京 or smth like that? I mean, is it like benk-you or ben-kyou and tou-kyou or touk-you? Thanks in advance.

2) Sometimes the accents in Tokabata and other apps don't match so idk which one is correct. Do you any correct app or website for pitch accent?

3) 迦具土神 is this an Ateji? Because it already has ''nokami'' part inside of it which written with Kanjis.

4) 迦 as far as i know, this Kanji is only used phonetically, but why? I mean didn't Japans imported those characters with their meanings? Also what is this type of kanjis called?

Thanks in advance 😅😅🙏🏼