Random Hakari theory

So we all know Hakari is offscreen doing Hakari things. And we're all wondering what's going on, why don't we see it? I have a small theory that's not really backed up by anything, but also not disproven (as far as I know, please correct me if wrong). So we all know Hakari can heal himself automatically thanks to his technique. However, going back on a reread, every time we see Hakari again, he's progressively getting more messed up physically. I think he's "fine" but why does he have cuts on himself? At times you can even see what looks like ice still hanging on him. So what's up? Well, in my theory, Hakari only heals when significant damage is done, an open wound, a lost arm, frozen parts. But what about small cuts? Is there ever a moment Hakari takes a glancing blow but we see him heal it? We know his CT revolves around "luck" but what if that luck is back firing?

Urauma calls Hakari a beast, and will no longer treat him human. What if they figured out how to beat him? Humans go for kill shots when hunting. We don't mess around and play with an animal trying to kill us. But what do animals do? A cat will play with a dying mouse for hours just nipping and throwing it around. What if the way to beat Hakari is death through a thousand cuts? Small cuts enough to hurt him but not bad enough for his technique to kick in. Remember, hakari says he has no control over his reverse healing, it's all on auto pilot.