Being on one side of the map tooo much???
High elo gamer here(I just hit Plat 4 loll )
Sorry I don't have any clips but in a lot of my games I'll suddenly realize "Wow I haven't farmed my krugs in idk how long" I know you level up camps by clearing them but it also hasn't seemed that detrimental. I usually reallly like playing for bot lane, especially when it's a samira/draven nautilus.
It's just that so many fights can take place or maybe my bot is making plays and I want to always be there since we can win 3v3's with ease let alone 3v2's
I watch some high elo junglers like Agurin and the man is always there when that camp spawns while also taking good fights for his team.
It's probably me just wasting time around the map but I also feel like hard winning bot lane > krugz
100% a skill issue but was just wondering if anyone who had this problem has any tips : D