Take note ladies!

Men are drawn to women for two main reasons: SEX and LOVE, but they usually marry for STABILITY. A man can love you deeply and still not marry you. He can have a physical relationship with you for years but won’t commit unless he finds STABILITY with you. Stability means "Peace of Mind." A man may love a woman but still feel she isn’t someone he can spend his life with. Men are visionaries when it comes to marriage. They don’t focus on wedding details like dresses or decorations; instead, they think about their future with the woman. Questions that guide their decision include: "Can she build me a home? Can she care for me and our kids? Can she give me peace of mind?" Men avoid discomfort and emotional stress, which is why they might leave a long-term partner and marry someone they’ve just met who brings them peace. Sex is temporary pleasure. Love is a deep connection. But RESPECT and PEACE provide the stability men seek in a partner. Thanks for reading..