Idk what to do anymore
Working in same spot for over a year now. All the fun staff have left mostly due to owner not listening to wants and needs from staff. I'm underpaid heavily for the position I'm in. Yust saw therapist for first time in my life and had a mental breakdown yust talking about work. Last weekend was total shit show with the new serving staff and I lost my cool couple of times. Worst thing was I told one guy take these plates and not these I'm not done with them. Yeah u can guess what he took soon I turned my back, I yust lost it. Any other sane person would have resigned also.
I have gotten other offer with a guy who is 17 years younger then me, upcoming firecracker of a chef really exiting guy but I also have a mother in retirement home I need to take care of so taking chances in New starting restaurant and taking orders again, also I have dificulties with change due to autism.
Hard choices to make, not really but don't know what you guys would do.