Avoid PPEUM Clinic in Seoul

A lot of staff is unprofessional, its crowded and factory like

one female employee started putting numbing cream on me and i heard another employee telling her that i didn't need it for any of my treatments, but they decided to just keep it on me anyway and the first employee slabbed some on the rest of my face to quickly finish before leading me to my treatment room
she chose to inconveniently keep the cream on me rather than admit her mistake
*I understood all of this bc they didn't think I could understand Korean and/or didn't know that I was Korean

the male employee who did my cortisone injection for individual pimples on my face just left the open needle right next to my head after he was done, left my face bleeding, and didn't let anyone know i was done with all of my treatments - so i wiped off all the blood drops forming myself and let them know i was leaving (since i kept track of which treatments were complete)

a lot of small things plus a couple unprofessional practices made my visit to ppeum a negatively memorable one

i won't be returning, but still wanted to share to prevent anyone else from having a bad experience here