Con law class culture is driving me insane
My con law professor is an older professor with a an old-school way of lecturing. Likes to encourage debate, doesn’t tip toe around topics, can tease you a bit if you don’t get a cold call correct. Honestly, he is the kind of professor that I thought law school would be full of.
People are acting like he’s abusive and pushing some kind of political agenda. He will discuss politics within the confines of the constitution. Comments about policy aren’t necessarily promoting or discouraging any particular opinion. But, of course, he will say whether he thinks the policy is constitutional or not. He will also provide examples of things that Trump is doing, and compare it to similar policies from previous presidents.
The reaction to his teaching has been so much more intense than I could’ve imagined. People hate him openly, speak negatively about him to other professors, will just get up and leave his class while he’s still talking.
I understand that politics can be an inflammatory topic for people, but shouldn’t future attorneys be able to handle a little disagreement? If we can’t discuss politics freely in a con law class, then where can we? Why do we feel the need to censor a professor’s speech? I suppose you don’t owe anyone respect, but I respect that he has been studying and teaching this topic for decades. I want to hear him out at least. Is this normal behavior?