Warwick isn't that bad guys
So in a moment of bad decision I decided to play Warwick on 0 star to simulate the trailer. and this is how far I got with him.
Yeap. Up until 4.5 star. I did this in both Fizz and Warwick's 4.5. My original goal was beating at least karma/viego/lissandra, but I gave up after realizing that resetting 200 times on karma for perfect power isn't very fun.
So I star him up.
It wasn't even close.
The 3 star stack up extremely fast. Warwick deck while is to be desired, have enough card draws that you can basically just infinitely spam warwick without caring about losing him every turn to Galeforce shuffling him away. He has VERY good board control with 4 star pinging every unit and him coming down striking for 3 to all and 4+ to 1 unit. He is quite slow for my standard and is pretty bad in encounter that can spam big units (it that stare for example) but that is to be expected. Into weekly nightmare I think he is not as good since a lot of mutators counter him pretty hard (both stat buff and cost increase hurt him a lot) but he is significantly better than my (and probably many other's) initial reaction.
Oh also I didn't have to spend a single wild fragments on him. Thank you Arcane.