Why do straight women do this???

For context I'm a butch lesbian with a gay male best friend. We're polar opposites (of course) but one thing we do have in common is a lot of our friends. They're mostly straight women, but outside of that "main group" I'm friends with probably every (out of the closet, let's be real) trans male in Utah-- 3! Sarcasm intended.

I always get comments from the straight women that they get uncomfortable when I make sexual jokes towards them, but for some reason it's fine for them to do it to me? I get a laugh every time me and my gay friend do it because they obviously know we're kidding around, but god forbid I make any jab at how I think their boyfriend looks like an oompa loompa. THEN I'm a predator trying to "convert" innocent straight women! Oh no!

The breaking point was when one of them smacked my ass and asked if it turned me on. I'm 5'7 and taller than pretty much everyone in the group, so as a playful retort, I stomped forward and backed her up. Immediately I got dogged on by a bunch of them running to her aid, pushing me back, almost shoving me off my feet. immediately I was out of a ride from the party because they were "uncomfortable" in the car with me. (luckily, my gay male friend stayed with me and made sure I was okay.)

None of my friends outside of this group do this. In fact, none of them would even try to make a sexual joke towards me much less be a hypocrite about it, because the trans men I'm friends with know exactly how it feels to be treated like a predator (especially when they're transitioned and BY LAW have to use the "bathroom assigned to them at birth.") Every single time I interact with straight women it feels like a giant joke is being played on me that I'm not in on. Why are they like this???