Liverpool saved my life
I’m 18. I’m not from the UK, but I grew up a Chelsea fan. I never really cared for Liverpool during my teen years, though my best friend and co-worker supported Liverpool. Last summer, I dove into a very deep depression, as I was failing school, my best friend stopped talking to me, and one of my childhood friends had died. I was very depressed and lonely, and really considered ending my life. One day last summer while driving home from work, I began to think about Liverpool and the ”You’ll Never Walk Alone” song and slogan. I began to play the song and listened to the lyrics, and started to tear up. I was starting to feel hope, that everything in life would be alright. Just walk on, and i’ll never walk alone. I knew then that Liverpool was my club, and that moment stopped me from committing suicide. I gave my Chelsea belongings to charity and bought Liverpool kits and a scarf. A year later and i’m eternally grateful for LFC. The club saved my life. A year later, and though I don’t have any friends who are Liverpool fans, I still love the club. Sure it would be nice to have LFC friends, but even without them, I will still love Liverpool. I will die a Liverpool fan.
*Edit: Thank you all for the support. I know i’m getting a lot of hate. People saying i’m lying, that i’m a fake fan, and people telling me to kms, but that’s okay. I know people are going to hate me. But i’m grateful for you all. I’m grateful for Liverpool. They did save me. I will die a Liverpool fan. YNWA ❤️