I finally have it

I finally got my full Glavenus set after only 9 hunts. It took me roughly 4 hours. 3 for each 20 minute hunt and the rest for random mining missions and farming the great macocoa (however tf you spell it) for his hide. Ive played sunrise and im used to the grind in that but this is the first grind ive done in this game and i loved it. That said who should i go for next? Im thinking Brachydios or Gammoth (or if i unlock him soon Deviljho).

I finally got my full Glavenus set after only 9 hunts. It took me roughly 4 hours. 3 for each 20 minute hunt and the rest for random mining missions and farming the great macocoa (however tf you spell it) for his hide. Ive played sunrise and im used to the grind in that but this is the first grind ive done in this game and i loved it. That said who should i go for next? Im thinking Brachydios or Gammoth (or if i unlock him soon Deviljho).