Op is u/emgineer17 . Post from r/gujarat sub. Is Gujarati community going to be next bengali community. First break the bondage with other hindus, then destroy there culture and infilter vidharmi there, Gujarat is targetted by Soros group now, after successfully ending Bengali ideology.

Gujarati-Marathi 😡🤬👿

I am a gujarati and seen many posts regarding gujarati-marathi and anti-gujarati in popular indian subreddits so take your 5 minutes and read this.

If you're a gujarati then you might feel connected more towards marathi and marwari person than people from any other state thats what i've seen, i can be wrong also. Some people are doing the best they can do.

What i've seen is gujarati living in mumbai are not allowing marathi people to rent their flats and gujarati/jain exclusive housing societies where they don't allow anyone. There are many complaints regarding the same thing. Because of this many people got their reason to keep running their business on twitter/X and maybe some politicians also.

Removal of signboards of different language is understandable if people are not happy with it. Local language should be respected. Some people may not have problem with use of other languages. Here in gujarat people are not bothered about language but its understandable. Instead of solving the problem people are fighting with each other which won't give any solution.

Don't get into fight of who built mumbai gujarati or marathi. Its clown to clown conversation and people who join it are also clown. We say "EK RAHENGE TO SAFE RAHENGE" then we start getting divided again. Gujaratis who discriminate are at fault.

Anti gujarati thing comes from modi haters also which is fine if they don't like a political party but hate on a state just because its home state of PM then its wrong. Most of the gujaratis don't even know that people are hating gujarat for some kind of reasons. Those people are wasting their time.

People were even saying india lost world cup because it was in amdavad if it was in mumbai we would have won. Clowns were blaming crowd for loss. Players were playing the match not crowd. If india would've lost in mumbai then this clowns would've been underground.

Same way they were talking so much about a band which isn't even indian. People won't go to amdavad and stadium will be empty. Majority of these people were recording their snaps and stories inside of stadium. Don't believe what you see online.

I've a marathi friend who is living in surat. His grandfather shifted to surat from mumbai. My SIL is marathi and from mumbai too. Gujarati and marathi may have many similarities but if people still want to enjoy the show on reddit then go ahead. Life is beyond reddit and twitter/X also.

Earlier when china was developing their big cities they were not allowing irregular migration of people. China also has problems but they planned their cities where we failed to do it. Whenever any investment is happening either its in mumbai or delhi. Investment without management of migration will look like mumbai and delhi of today. Space is less and people are too many. Maharashtra is migration friendly state so people were not complaining.

Now government is diversifying investment still people are complaining that why some states are preferred. Usually states with coastal line has higher chances of investment compared to others. Our planned cities are also bad compared to china's cities.

Not to mention AQI of even our planned city and traffic management without proper infrastructure to manage large number of people. Political parties are blaming each other for air quality and polluted rivers and as usual clown public is watching and not demanding clean air and rivers.

At the end i would like to say don't get into this shit show of clowns. World still watches india the same way other indians see bihar. Doing racism against own people and then complaining about westerners is hypocrisy. Why wait for foreign investment?

Why not create our own business and get into competition with other countries? If we're going to be like this then sure one day we'll be vishvaguru of clowns. Some people may agree some may not which is completely ok.