Mothers Day Reminder
This is a friendly PSA for everyone out there whose partner is a mother-
- It is not just your kids job to celebrate her. And there is still time.
- does not need diamonds, but she does need to be acknowledged according to her love language
- You did need to make a reservation for that restaurant that you were planning to spontaneously take her to. Call now, but It is probably too late. A good alternative is to go to the store right now, get her favorite picnic food, find a spot & check the weather
- Even if your partner says "i dont need a big show or presents" it is ALWAYS appreciated & PLANNING even the smallest thing for tomorrow will make her feel good. EDIT AGAIN- PLANNING TO FEEL GOOD CAN MEAN WORDS LIKE "GOOD JOB. THAT CAN BE IT. CAN WE APPRECIATE THE WORDS GOOD JOB"
- Number four goes for every day not just Mother's Day
Be a kind human this weekend to all the mothers, those who are struggling to be a mother, and those who have lost! Happy Mothers Day!
Edit: please keep this post positive. After every holiday there are posts from disappointed spouses that do not feel appreciated. This is just a nice reminder that intention thought & communication go a long way.