Mothers Day Reminder

This is a friendly PSA for everyone out there whose partner is a mother-

  1. It is not just your kids job to celebrate her. And there is still time.
  2. does not need diamonds, but she does need to be acknowledged according to her love language
  3. You did need to make a reservation for that restaurant that you were planning to spontaneously take her to. Call now, but It is probably too late. A good alternative is to go to the store right now, get her favorite picnic food, find a spot & check the weather
  4. Even if your partner says "i dont need a big show or presents" it is ALWAYS appreciated & PLANNING even the smallest thing for tomorrow will make her feel good. EDIT AGAIN- PLANNING TO FEEL GOOD CAN MEAN WORDS LIKE "GOOD JOB. THAT CAN BE IT. CAN WE APPRECIATE THE WORDS GOOD JOB"
  5. Number four goes for every day not just Mother's Day

Be a kind human this weekend to all the mothers, those who are struggling to be a mother, and those who have lost! Happy Mothers Day!

Edit: please keep this post positive. After every holiday there are posts from disappointed spouses that do not feel appreciated. This is just a nice reminder that intention thought & communication go a long way.