Shoutout to Ikechi
I know y’all have decided you hate the man so this will get downvoted, but who wants to sit around and be grilled when you’re meeting somebody’s friends for the second time?
Also, when Snafu grilled him at the wedding the first time he said something to the effect of, “you might me smooth and answer all the questions in the me right way, but I want to see action,” and at the party he basically came at Ikechi for not answering the “are you in love with her” question the right way.
On this show and Love is Blind, we’ve seen parents, friends and family get out of pocket with the questions, but this was one of the worst I’d seen. It was right up there with Marissa’s mom from Love is Blind and Emily’s friends grilling Brennan. It was so confrontational. It felt like they were just asking a bunch of GOTCHA questions hoping to catch him. If he’d answered “right” they would’ve said he was just “saying all the right things.” But he met their energy and didn’t back down and they didn’t like that.
It’s wild because people have decided “they don’t like him” so they’re not seeing how these people’s behavior and energy were all wrong, but they were. I commend Ikechi for not backing down, but also keeping calm and not giving in when they were obviously just trying to grill him. There are ways to show you care about your friends and family without being confrontational. This was not it.