New User - infusion set fell off site during sleep
Hi All. Just curious what I can do when this happens?
During sleep at some point the infusion set (cannula I believe it's called) ripped off my body. I don't know how it happened and I'm not used to wearing this, but as of now my pump and infusion set is on a dresser next to my bed and I've suspended delivery.
It looks like I can't just reattach the infusion set from what I'm reading, so do I need to attach a new one? And if so, does that mean that ive lost all that insulin I filled into the reservoir?
Hoping someone can give some advice for when this happens or how to prevent it. I'm planning on resolving it in a few hours when I wake up for good. Until then I'll just be without a pump.
If it matters, I'm using the 780g in manual mode to start with as I'm waiting for my sensors to arrive (insurance issue).