The true target all along - not a false alarm

I'm pretty sure Neurodiversity is the target - and has been throughout history.

Neurodiversity IS DEI

Neurodiversity IS inclusion

Neurodiversity IS free thinking

Neurodiversity IS the "woke mind virus" they are trying to eliminate.

Neurodiversity IS Justice seeking - and we do not recognize hierarchy as they see it.

Cutting funding for schools for support of them, cutting funding for Healthcare for diagnosis.

The Jewish community is the biggest contributing communities to the study of and accommodation of neurodiversity. (Makes sense fascists love targeting them)

Without Neurodiversity - we would never have had rebellions, progress, social movements, rights movements.

Everyone, if not almost everyone, in LGBTQA+ is neurodiverse, and most on the left wing. Many of the highly educated are also ND.

This is, and always has been, about suppressing neurodiversity - for centuries - because we challenge every idea of control to them, and are the biggest threat to it with our unconventional thinking and tactics.

ALL indigenous peoples accept neurodiversity, many used them as oracles, seers, wisemen, and elders, and many have their own terms for the different variants. We preach togetherness, acceptance, and love because that is what we crave so painfully.

We are the reason for cultural booms, and renaissance of acceptance.

We are the targets, because we have always been the heroes of legend, the heroes in comics and movies, in every universe - Justice always fights injustice.

Freedom of expression vs. Control and oppression

Neurodiversity is genetic Justice and empathy for suffering.