[H] 1k Tau Army, AoS Spearhead for Slaanesh, Renegade Guard [W] Grey Knights [Loc] ID USA
Hey fellas, clearing out some old projects that I'm never getting to. I have a 1,000 pt Tau army that is painted to a good tabletop standard with some neat weathering effects.
Full list:
1 Coldstar Commander
1 Enforcer Commander
3 Stealth Suits
1 Sunforge Crisis Suit Team
2 Pathfinder Squads
2 Breacher Squads
2 Devilfish
All the drones to use with each unit
Hedonites of Slaanesh
Spearhead Box all based and primed black
5 Slickblade Seekers
11 Blissbarb Archers (1 of these is painted and a couple have the skin base coated)
3 Slaangor Fiendbloods
1 Shardspeaker of Slaanesh
Hedonites Faction Dice from last edition
Renegade Guard: This was a little project that I started to convert up some guardsmen by combining a command squad kit with the blooded kill team. Essentially Resulting in:
10 Guardsmen
5 man Command Squad
1 Ogryn Body Guard
Shoot me a message with what you got and lets chat!