I love my new Godhater lifestyle

I grew up in a religious family. I have relatives who go to church at least 3 times a week. I always believed in God, and there used to be a time when I respected God, but I didn't want any part of religion.

For years, it seemed like I had bad luck anytime I would talk to or even think about a woman. I've never told anybody, but I didn't lose my virginity until I turned 21. Years later, I'm practically forced into religion by overdoninating relatives and Christians who didn't want to take no for an answer. Forced to listen to pastors preach about what I should or shouldn't do with my own life.

During the pandemic, I relocated to a different state and began to realize how my life has been different compared to others and immediately abandoned my religion. Since then, God has been desperately trying to come after everything I have. God takes my money, my happiness, and my freedom, but he's too scared to take my life.

I used to be a really cool person, but now I'm a motherfuckin monster. I don't like God or fear him, and I'll fight him for whatever I want or need. I spent the last 25 years of my life fighting and at times succeeded, while it seemed as if everyone around me would always have their way without consequencs. Sometimes, I'll drive past a church and yell "Fuck God" out the window just to laugh at everyone's expressions while they're walking into church.

For all you Christians in this group trying to defend that asshole you call God, you can say whatever you want, my answer is FUCK GOD! That asshole can just send me to hell. You Christians are all the same. All you have to say is "That's the devil" or some bullshit about free will. My everyday motto: FUCK GOD AND FUCK ANYBODY WHOSE WITH GOD.