MW2 (2022) is Underrated and Better than MW3/BO6

Been meaning to say this for a while, but since playing bo6/wz lately I need to let my feelings out.

Overall, I think MW2 is a better game than mw3. I hear people saying this and that about mw3. Its a descent game because of the better graphics and sound. But here are some things that made mw2 better:

1) Ground war was super fun. The maps were good, the lobbies were always active.

2) Coop was fun. The rewards were great and challenges were fun.

3) Blueprints and tuning weapons was cool. I enjoyed working on my guns.

4) Skins was not too cringe. You know mw3 and bo6 skins is annoying af.

5) Campaign was better than mw3/bo6.

Also, warzone/dmz was super fun during mw2. The rewards were great to unlock.

Of course I am talking about the newer games, we can go back of course.

Oh, and, dont get me started about bo6. I know black ops games are different than mw. But oh my…