Did you allow visitors in the hospital?
When I found out I was pregnant I told everyone I don’t want anyone coming to the hospital, I wanted it to just be us healing and bonding. I didn’t want to risk any germs and frankly didn’t want to be worried about visitors.
I’m about to give birth now and everyone including me have been waiting so long to see our baby so I get how mine and his family feels. He’s half Chinese so after we come home I’ll be doing “zuo yue zi” (sitting for a month. So no one will see me or the baby for a month. Now I’m debating on letting people come see before we go home. Everyone’s been super understanding so far and have respected my decision so I have no doubt they won’t follow any rules I make. Just trying to decide. ( I’m very OCD and hate germs )
P.s- they have been waiting YEARS for me to have a baby
Can you let me know what you guys did and the pros/cons of having visitors.