
I am so exhausted my daughter is 6 months old and she's been having trouble sleeping through the night and with her sleep and she's always had trouble with sleep since she was born but she was doing so good and basically sleeping through the night and now the past 2 months it's been hit or miss and I feel like more nights than not she's getting up more and just having problems and then the past two days she has just been super fussy and upset and acting like something's wrong and I don't know if it's her stomach or her teeth coming in and I guess I should add some background to the story I lived with my parents because I am a single mom and could not afford to raise her on my own and live on our own and everything else which I am so grateful for because I don't know what I would do without their help and just being able to constantly have my mom right there for advice or things that scare me being a first time Mom that I might not know about that she does but it comes with so many downfalls at the same time I feel like I can't be the type of mom I want to be and I can't raise her how I want to raise her or do exactly what I want to do with her because they're going to judge me or say something or say I'm a bad mom for example I feel like they give me shit for giving her Tylenol like it's not going to hurt her it's Tylenol if anything if she has a problem it will make her feel better but they act like I'm like drugging her and like giving her like sleeping medication because I don't want to deal with her and that's not the case I just feel bad for my baby because I can tell something's wrong and that she's hurting and I want to try and relieve her pain like there was a time that she was having low grade temperatures of like 99.9 and my dad kept telling me Oh that's not a temperature she doesn't need Tylenol for that and like she was super fussy and had a cold and everything else and you could just tell she didn't feel good and like every time I would try to give her Tylenol he would be like she doesn't need it and like act like I was like pushing pills on to her and same with now with her teeth hurting they haven't said it directly or said anything but I was going to give her tonight this night time drops that I just got the other day and I'm trying out by Mommy Bliss because she hasn't been sleeping as great and we've only tried them for two nights and she's been not doing as great since we gave them to her but I don't think that's what's causing her to not feel good because she takes the mommy Bliss Gripe Water night time which has the same exact stuff in it except for the night time drops have Elderberry in it for immunity support but I said something about giving that to her tonight or not knowing if maybe that's what was causing her to be upset and not feel good and my mom was like she doesn't need it and I was like if anything right now is more the time that she needs it because she's upset and has not been feeling good and has been waking up a lot and just having a hard time sleeping so if anything she needs it more now and she was like no you don't you just gave her Tylenol too and it's like okay and so then I sit here feeling guilty because I'm like am I a bad mom for giving her these medications because what if she really doesn't need them am I just doing this because I just want to sleep or don't want her to be as fussy and don't want to deal with her being fussy like they're projecting on to me no I know it's that I just don't want to see my daughter in pain and hurting and want to do and we'll do anything I possibly can to try and make her pain go away and to make her happy but then there's times where I don't give her stuff when I probably should or feel like I should and then I feel guilty because I'm like well should I be giving it to her and I'm not giving it to her because I don't want my parents to say something about it or to get on me about it and say I'm pushing medications on her or something because there's times I've had to like sneak and get her Tylenol down and give it to her and like not saying anything to them because I always write it down if I give it to her in case they were to watch her and need to give her some that they knew when her last dose was which I only do it when I know she's going to be with me all day and only me or at least with me until she would be able to have another dose of it but it's just like I shouldn't have to sneak around to give my child Tylenol because she's not feeling good but then again I feel like I'm doing something wrong giving it to her but if I don't give it to her too and I know she probably needs it then I feel like I'm doing something wrong too I don't know what to do