How long were you in pure survival mode?
Our daughter is 3 weeks old today and I’m just wondering how long just pure and utter survival mode lasts? When did you see some success in introducing a schedule of sorts? We’ve started a very general cycle of “eat, play, sleep” but that by no means has always worked out and this morning she basically cried from 5am to 8am-so who knows how long she’ll be out now. I’m trying not to be too hard on myself, but lord it’s hard to listen to your baby cry for hours and hours and know all their needs are met and not know what else to do.
Edit: thank you all for the replies! Think I was just in the trenches there for a few hours and was starting to lose it a bit. Now she’s sound asleep in a wrap and I think she’s cute as a button again-I’m thankful that at least for now it seems I have short term memory and once she’s happy I’m happy again. Think I’m going to enjoy this sub!