Feeling bitter this morning
So for context my job let me go when I was pregnant with my first job about 2 years ago. My career hasn’t recovered and I’m currently pregnant with baby #2
I’ve been trying to get a job ever since losing my last one, but between low offers, the childcare crisis, etc I just haven’t been able to say yes to anything
Well every year one of the major sports teams in my area hosts a job fair. I didn’t go last year because I didn’t like the principal of paying to attend a job fair (traditionally it’s employers who cover the cost as they’re seeking talent)
I was debating paying the costs and going this year, but the problem is I’ll be at least 37 weeks pregnant and with my current complications means I could be at the hospital or even postpartum for this job fair
Where the bitter comes in, I mentioned the job fair to my husband and he’s really interested in going. And the kicker is he really doesn’t have an hinderance not to go. Like even if I was at the hospital during it, it’s actually close enough that could be in the room within 10 minutes. So him being gone for potentially 2 hours wouldn’t interrupt any of our birth plans
I’m just so grumpy feeling like this is so unfair. And especially with the DEI rollbacks I’m even further stressed about reentering the workforce. I know every year I’m out makes it harder and my husband’s in a position to work for a couple different companies I’ve been trying to get into (he’s getting his bachelors in the same field as me)