Pay down car note or save/invest
I am torn between wanting to pay down my debt for my car note or put the money towards growing my savings and or investing. I owe $25,750 on my car which is more than it’s worth due to dropping value and rolled over negative equity. Paying $480 a month at 6.19 percent interest. I do however have gap insurance through the credit union. I however am conflicted due to the fact that if I total my car, then the gap will essentially pay off the remainder of what would be market value but I would never want to rely on wrecking my car just to pay it off. So if I would put an extra few hundred on top of my car payment, would it be smarter to put the extra money towards growing my savings or should I still focus on shrinking my debt?
Edit: adding on, I have $5,000 put towards SWVXX for my savings and $7300 towards my Roth IRA but nothing for any stocks, ETFs