Small patch for Steam!
- Best patch first: The Spirit Barn lag should be fixed now! We optimised some stuff, so it should run nice and smooth now
- Chests no longer wiggle! I'm kinda sad about this one because it was super cute
- Fixed a little cheat where you could use the keyboard and mouse to select one item in a shop with the mouse, and pay for a separate one using the keyboard, but it would use the price of the keyboard one. That's a thing called stealing and we won't stand for it!
- Fixed the text for Comfy Chair and Bulletin Board (the materials text was getting cut off)
- Fixed the Spanish translation of "Spirit Research: Intro to Egg"
- Giving Magic Man mirror shards outside his hut used to result in him putting them in his pocket and forgetting about them. He now remembers to actually put them in the mirror
- You can now use the Spirit Storage machine from within the Spirit Barn, so you can bring out new Spirits whenever you want. And it won't lag! Because we fixed that!!!
- The balloon was flying WAY too fast in the dungeons. We fixed it. Apologies, speedrunners
- Optimised the end of day process to reduce lag – you can now go to sleep much faster! Someone put this fix in real life pls
- Fixed a bug where characters would remain semi-transparent if the player left the building before they fully materialised. Ferra is not supposed to be a ghost
We're still working on the next Switch patch! They take a long time to go through Nintendo's rigorous testing process! Thank you for your patience 💖