HRT Pill vs Shot
**Warning talking about needles!*\*
So I've been on HRT for about 2 years now, always taking it as pills. Just recently I asked to be put on a higher dose and asked to be put on progesterone, and I've noticed some changes, but I still don't feel like enough is happening for how long I've been on it.
**I do know hormones work differently on different people... that's besides the point**
I've recently found out that HRT shots are more reliable and consistent with the amount of hormones your body is receiving and processing, and was wondering if I should switch over to it to get "better results." The only reason why I haven't done it yet is because I was working a job with an irregular schedule, however now that is not an issue. I do know that my girlfriend will not be comfortable being in the same room as me as I give myself the shot if I do transition to that method (HA transition... get it?) but we discussed it and she was okay with me going on the shot, as long as I do it in another room.
So mainly my question is... are there more benefits to getting HRT as a shot or should I stick to the pills. Again, I have no issues injecting myself, I just never had a consistent enough schedule to warrant me doing the shot.