TLDR: Moving a physical receiver with good speed to TE AFTER training results will create a weapon of mass destruction that makes release day Nyk Harbour look JV
I didn't get the development that I needed out of my TE room, so I moved and incoming 5 star physical WR that wasn't going to play as a freshman to TE AFTER position switches.
When I looked at his overall, it was only a 36 after being an 80 at position switches, so I checked his archetype, and he was a blocking TE. I needed the depth at the position for that season, so I left him there all season, and he played so well that I decided that I didn't need him to change archetype. I thought it would be funny to have a 40 ovr win the heisman.
To my shock, after training results, he had shot up to a 97 ovr with 99 speed, 93 accel, 78 strength, 88 spec catch, 83 catch and catch in traffic, all 80s route running, and 80+ blocking stats as a TRUE FREAKING SOPHMORE. He's legit the best player that I've ever had, and it feels unfair.
EDIT: spelling