Is there a statistic on the success rate of 4th and 1 runs up the middle with running backs?

I watch a lot of football. I watch nearly every prime time game, plus I watch Red Zone every Sunday along with multiview, so I’m watching multiple games at once. One thing I started to notice this season is that teams seem to almost always fail on 4th and 1 runs up the middle with their running back. Red zone tends to show every fourth down attempt, so between that and watching the prime time games, I feel like I’ve seen the majority of these plays.

I even brought this up to some of my friends in different chats and now we text about it every time we see this play happen (I received multiple texts tonight about the Steelers failing). I tried searching for this data but it’s admittedly fairly specific, so I’m having trouble. Does anyone know if this data exists? If not, I’m tempted to go through the play by play of every game to get the data