CDH Diagnosed at 32 Weeks


I recently went in for a somewhat routine growth scan at 32 weeks due to AMA (36) and controlled GDM. The tech had the MFM doc sign off on the ultrasound and it took and incredibly long time for her to return to the room. Eventually, the MFM doc came in and broke the news that my son has a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). I, of course, was in a bit of shock. I am waiting for an MRI on 1/03 to confirm the severity (it currently appears mild). I have many questions including why it was missed at 20 week scan. I'm really hoping that it was missed due to the low severity. The hospital I am attending happens to be a large academic hospital well equipped for complicated pregnancies and peds. I also happen to be a nurse coming from a large academic center. I was absolutely devastated for nearly a week after we found out, but I'm now rebounding into problem solving mode and trying to convince myself it will be ok. I am absolutely terrified of the long term implications. We also have a perfect 2 year old that is going to struggle with a not so normal transition. I see the last CDH post was 2 years ago. Hoping to connect with other parents that may be in the NICU experiencing this congenital abnormality.