"Mega-Me" Moment Followed by Total Cringe / Shame Slump. Now I'm Just Laughing (and Cringing).

Ugh! I think I made a professional fool of myself.

Day 1: Grandiose Mode (in retrospect):

"Wow! I've got lots of work ideas! They are fantastic! Wow! I'm really a leader of the field. I know! I'll tell the WHOLE TEAM about them in a series of lengthy essays about my work and share them to EVERYONE. They are just gonna love this! I can see it now!"

Day 2: No one responds.

Day 3: I take a second look through what I put out.

"FUCK!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! Total Cringe! Soooo many words about "my" ideas that ... actually aren't that revolutionary or even "mine" after all, and in fact make me look like a praise-hungry twat to the whole team, who - might I add - I'm trying to cultivate a better relationship with. ... OH FUUUCK!!!"


That's it. It's over.


But, Like Jesus himself: I rise again to learn to catch myself and write shorter sentences. In the imaginary future where everyone has forgotten the awfulness.


Just wanted to share this relatively upbeat and mild moment of grandiose-vulnerable schwing.