Na’Ziyahs Clothing

The officer who initially found the clothing stated that the shoe was inside of the pink ‘onesie’ and that everything was curled up into a ball, into the pile of sticks/ brush.

IMO— when you look at the clothing patterns, as well as the sticks & the direction they’re in, as well as the dark colors… It makes me wonder if she was burned. 😔

What do you think?

Questions •Why was she even wearing that pink onesie…? Was it something she had packed? Or was she wearing it under her clothes to try and cover her baby bump with?

•What clothing is missing? -1 shoe -Pink jacket -White turtleneck(?) -Ring on right middle finger (maybe?) -Jeans

[I’ll post transcriptions from the experts who tested the clothing, as well as the officer who initially found the clothing.] M