Has Your N Ever Faked a Significant Illness or Injury?
I am reading a book on covert narcissists and this trait was mentioned. I thought mine was the only one who did this. The first, and probably worst, was telling me that he had throat cancer and would be having his voice box removed at a university hospital. I believed him and prepared for this , although he said he wanted to do this alone. Before the surgery date, he was in a massive car accident. He was in ICU for a week and the hospital for a month. I let his doctors know he had cancer and they contacted University Hospital who said they never heard of him. I insisted they were mistaken and the doctors did more checking. Ultimately, I suggested he had given a false name to avoid having to pay. Of course, he’d never been diagnosed or treated for any cancer, throat or otherwise. He’s claimed illnesses since, and about 20 years ago, I told him the next time, I would just call 911 and he could deal with them. Hasn’t happened since.