I got pregnant 10month after my c section

Please I want to hear from those who had same situation or someone who have some information about

Idk how i feel at first when i gave birth to my boy i told my doctor i wanna wait at least my son turns 3 and my husband said no when he turns 1 but my doctor suggested to wait at least he turns 1.5 otherwise she doesn’t recommend too late And she told us to be careful cuz the 6 months of postpartum I have more chances to get pregnant

When i get used to motherhood I knew i want to have second baby but not this soon my son is only 10month old 🥺 in one hand im scared for my life cuz of the c section that might haven’t recovered yet and the second hand i feel that im being ungrateful for and scared if i keep getting sad and being this stressful something will happen to my baby

And the most important thing i had really bad postpartum depression it took me 4-5 until feeling myself again then i saw that have caused a family separation too. Me and my husband tried so hard to get back together and being there for each other finally we had our family back we are so happy the 3 of us and the love i have for my son is like i can’t love anyone like him