US Megathread: FDA Redlist, US Shipping, etc

US Shipping: FDA Red List / Shipping & UPS Info Megathread

FDA Red List

Current list:


  • Göteborgs Rapé (Brand)

  • Knox (Products Listed: “Knox Loose snus”)

  • Oden’s Snus (Brand)

  • Röda Lacket (mislabeled as “Scruf Roda Lacket”)

  • Siberia (Presumably snus and NP)

  • Skruf Products (Products Listed: “Scruf White Portion No. 27”, “Scruf Portion No. 24 White XTRA STRONG”, “Scruf Portion No. 2 Mint medium”)

Nicotine Pouches

  • Ace (Brand)

  • Klint (Brand)

  • Loop (Brand)

  • Lyft (Product Listed: “Lyft Cool Air”)

  • NOIS (Brand)

  • Siberia (Presumably snus and NP)

  • Skruf Superwhite (Brand)

  • Velo (Brand) - note, this is the Swedish Velo

  • White Fox (Brand)

  • XQS (Brand)

What does this mean? This means if you order these there is a risk you may not receive your order.

Specific Red List Links: Here, and here. And here's the master list for Sweden.

Regarding shipping times to the US

Here is some info about shipping to the US.

  1. Most stores process orders within 24 hours. At most, some may take 48 hours to process an order.
  2. Once the order is out of the stores hands, the speed of shipping is not under their control. This goes for every e-store that ships to the US.
  3. Clearance times are controlled by the FDA / UPS and the store has nothing to do with these.
  4. Clearance is normal. Warehouse scans are normal. Location scans are normal.
  5. The speed that clearance happens is random. Also, the store has no control over this.
  6. The speed in which you get your delivery is random. The store also has no control over this.
  7. Orders can get to you in as quick as 2 days, or can take much longer. A few weeks, or even up to a month or two. Again, the stores have no control over this, it is entirely up to UPS / FDA.