Plz read my thoughts
First of all let me be clear my first language is മലയാളം. It's mix between indo europen and dravidian language.. So pardon my English. First , Tomorrow is a day that never came. It means to live in the present.. it's a gift. So I don't know or can't tell if tomorrow, people will be communist or socialist or facist . What I sees today is anarchy.. People willing to do anything to get what they want.. That's because we are animals ( we are primates belonging to animal kingdom) we are the most violent species in existance..
But our current society has a way of putting the viloent people in its place.. Think when we were tribal people if our leader was more viloent our tribe will not survive cause we will wage endless war and will get anhilated fast.. Present day violent people will either land in prison or in jail.. Others who say they are dominat or alpha or sigma are just show of when the face an real inmate or trained killer they will shit in pants. Now the most dangerous group of people not the physically dominant ones. They are the mix of cerebrally dominat ones if they are not socially awkward. They can manipulate normal people. Think about it how Hitler rallied massive amount of people to death.. His war was funded from every continent.. They have psychopathic and sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies. They should be identifed and properly moniterd. Nerds and socially awkward people should be in charge of world. They are the one who keeps the civilization alive.Ifw all were doninat people we would have been extinct ages ago... What am saying is your political and life view is yours. But be financiallya, mentally and emotionally independent first..
Society is a wonderful thing. The Society and civilization we see today is place werewa unspoken war is happening ie, between anarchy(chaos) and order.
People say beta male is unwanted they are the one who is healing the society.. Real dominat one (criminals and trained killers) false dominat ones (sigma & alpha) and cerebral dominat (psychopaths sociopaths and narcissist) are chaos.. They are the real anarchist.. They can be found in every places.. So be carefull... Am not grooming people to any ideology.. All am interested in is seeing how our civilization ends. Who will tell it's last story..