Hello, Hello Games! You reading? ... Three crazy NMS ideas for you.

SOLAR STORM This is a serious consequence event that happens in space. There's no alert (other than going from pinging you ship and growing intensity) but a solar storm comes through, knocks out all power in your ship. You are drawn by gravity, spinning into a planet. You have to repair your ships power systems before you crash and if you crash you LOSE what could be your favourite ship. Planets would have crashed unrepairable ships on them. Sad monuments to your fellow players who didn't make it.

GLIDING EXPEDITION A sci-fi like glider ship that you have to silently (well wind sounds ) fly from one thermal (tornado?) to another and somehow slingshot from one planet to another in a closed system. HG could test their LNF servers for this. Imagine lots of NMS players flying around. You could have launch fluid if you're unfortunate.

SUPER RARE SHIPS Leave new crashed repairable super rare unique styles of ships on planets in Euclid for the rare chance someone might find them. Here's the deal though, they're sellable to other players. You command billions. Would you sell a ship that you've only seen one of them? HOWEVER Hello Games should do this without announcing anything about it. Imagine the hype of finding one, it in the Anomaly and people hunting for them.

SOLAR STORM This is a serious consequence event that happens in space. There's no alert (other than going from pinging you ship and growing intensity) but a solar storm comes through, knocks out all power in your ship. You are drawn by gravity, spinning into a planet. You have to repair your ships power systems before you crash and if you crash you LOSE what could be your favourite ship. Planets would have crashed unrepairable ships on them. Sad monuments to your fellow players who didn't make it.

GLIDING EXPEDITION A sci-fi like glider ship that you have to silently (well wind sounds ) fly from one thermal (tornado?) to another and somehow slingshot from one planet to another in a closed system. HG could test their LNF servers for this. Imagine lots of NMS players flying around. You could have launch fluid if you're unfortunate.

SUPER RARE SHIPS Leave new crashed repairable super rare unique styles of ships on planets in Euclid for the rare chance someone might find them. Here's the deal though, they're sellable to other players. You command billions. Would you sell a ship that you've only seen one of them? HOWEVER Hello Games should do this without announcing anything about it. Imagine the hype of finding one, it in the Anomaly and people hunting for them.