Really hope companions are the next to be improved on

Everytime I find a cool creature I'm reminded the companion system exists and that I have a bunch saved that I never take out. And then I take them out for a few minutes and then never again.

Riding is clunky and slow and depending on your camera and the shape/size of the creature you can't see half the screen.
They follow you around doing nothing and then might get stuck, stop following you, and despawn and you forget about them.
Get into your ship or vehicle and out on the same planet or another? Have to go to the menu to summon it each time. After a little while you just forget you wanted to have your companion out with you everywhere.
Summon from the companion register page? Nope, gotta exit, scroll the menu, remember which page the companion was in, then scroll to it.

Everything about them feel so clunky and I really hope they get an upgrade because you can find some real neat creatures and it would be so fun to have an exploration companion.
The little sentry guy is the only companion I keep because it actually stays and spawns on each planet with me.