Does anyone else struggle differenciate people?
*Does anyone else struggle differentiating people?
For example, in Impractical Jokers, I cannot, for the life of me, remember who is who because they look the same to me. I get confused between Joe and Murr, and I get confused between Q and Sal despite watching them since childhood and I'm 22. I still ask myself, "wait, is that Joe or Murr?" Even when they are together, I still can't remember who's name belongs to who because they look the same to me (but I can see their differences when they're next to each other). Until they are standing next to each other and their names are called, I will be blind.
The Boys (not the comic, the series), I got very mixed up between Starlight with Mave, and Deep with Homelander. It took me a until around season 2 to be familiarized with the characters just standing on their own without being next to the character I get them confused with. Does this happen to anyone else? Especially this strong