My OCD has finally got the worse of me

I am doing phd in STEM field. I know I had OCD all along but I used to think my OCD has in part helped me excel at my field. Like for example, my obsessive and compulsive need to get everything "neatly" written out, and done everything in the "right" way helped me get answers right in mathematics. Or that's what I used to think till undergraduate years.

Now it is finally getting the worse of me because with too many deadlines and workloads placed on ph.d. students, I cannot get everything done in the right way anymore or at least how I want them to.

Deadlines are especially becoming my achilles heel, since I used to obsess over timelines juggling it in my head trying to never turn anything in late.

Now there is just too much deadlines to mentally juggle over and I am now getting all these anxiety attacks just thinking about deadlines and the possibility that I might turn something in late.

I'm always filled with frustration, irritation or anxiety due to my OCD. Any advice from fellows with similar experience?