Putting myself into a “loop”

I’m a small business owner, and closing my business for the day is viciously stressful. Not for any real particular reason but because I cannot, convince myself I’ve locked the doors.

I’ve come to this term of “looping” where I will check the doors and walk to my car, or begin to drive away and turn around to then recheck the doors. They are ALWAYS locked and I know that, but my brain tells me “hey buddy fuck you the doors aren’t locked”. Sometimes I’ll leave in a hurry and make it 30 miles home and then the realization hits that there is “no way I locked the doors, I cannot remember doing it”and my happy ass will drive all the way back out there to find the doors are in fact locked, but then I at least get a sigh of relief.

I have resorted to recording myself pulling and pushing on all the doors at my business to prove to myself that they’re locked, but even that doesn’t help most of the time.

That is my current biggest “loop” but I also have a problem with having to “redrive” paths I’ve taken to make sure I didn’t miss the fact I ran something over or hit a curb or something.

Anyone have a successful tip they use to break these loop cycles? Seems like they cause the rest of my day to be shitty every time I get in one.