Oak Island a repetitive cycle. It's the twilight zone. There will always be another piece of evidence that is found that is so strange it must mean treasure is there.

Yet, no one will ever find treasure on Oak Island. No matter how hard you look you won't find. There will always be another old piece of wood, another strange rock, a carving, a coin, some artifact that shouldn't be there yet it is. There will always be someone that thinks because this strange item is here it must mean treasure. Here is my story enjoy.

This story takes places after the MP area has been searched to completion. Boreholes all over, big cans, drilling operations, metal detecting, and many XRF and carbon dates have been gathered. Yet not one single piece of treasure has been found from the MP. Sure maybe they find a gold coin somewhere on the Island and they think everything is true. Maybe a wild theorist comes up with something so good it warrants further investigation. As time goes on the team get tired and they start to give up.

Rick goes into depression as the show ends. The lack of finds has caused the History Channel to realize they can't support this any longer. The show is boring and is filled with 90% recaps and 10% new information. Other cast members try to support Rick by showing up and doing some basic work during the summer months. As time goes on people start to leave the island. There just isn't anything left to find. Rick is left alone on the island. He builds a house near the money pit. As Rick enter his 90s a man in his late 50s or early 60s who has just retired claims he first heard about Oak Island on the History Channel watching Rick and team. He is interested and he is certain he can find the treasure. He goes to Oak Island and Rick shows him things. Rick throws various objects from the garden shaft on the table in the war room. The guy is interested and a partnership is formed.

The history channel starts up a new show called The mystery of Oak Island and the Unsolved Curse. It's the 2040s and the search is nearing it's 250th year. Rick claims they will find the treasure with his new partner before the 250th year. Rick drives around in a golf cart and does various things. A large dig is started. Ricks passes away before the dig is complete. It's very sad there is a memorial episode playing clips from the Original Curse of Oak Island show from the 2010s and early 20s.

The dig is nearing completion as they are close to bed rock. They pulled up wood, rocks, bones, and PVC pipe. PCV pipe in the future will be able to be dated and it will be a very important clue.

How we heard about 10X for years, we will hear about the garden shaft and how important it is. A diver will be sent down there and they will confirm there is nothing down there. Just like what happened to 10x.

The big dig is going great. Large equipment, large machines to freeze the ground. They find tons of wood, pvc, metal and other objects. Some things will date back to the 1400s! Once they hit bed rock they realize there is nothing there and they haven't found much. Theorist will claim the treasure was moved by the Vikings, Knights Templar, the McGinnis family and maybe even Rick will get accused of hiding the treasure to make sure it is never found. Alex Lagina is appalled by these accusations. He reveals some secret artifacts that he kept hidden all the years that proves the treasure is real.

The man that worked with Rick is now much older and builds a house near the money pit. He goes into the war room and throws stuff on the table that he found from his big dig. Together with Alex's funds a new show and another big dig is started to solve the mystery once and for all.

Everyone knows on Oak Island you are just one big dig away from finding the treasure.