Underrated: Dojo in Vader Immortal
Hi. A few years ago, I completed all three parts of Vader Immortal on Quest 1. The experience was short but very pleasant.
However, I completely skipped the Dojo mode because it seemed difficult and boring to me. Currently, I played Dojo mode on Quest 3 and with Quest Optimizer. WOW! On the one hand, I have several years of experience in VR, so this mode is no longer difficult for me. On the other hand, Quest 3 and Optimizer make the graphics wonderful, as if the game came out this year. Dojo mode is great. While the experience lasted less than an hour, you can spend several hours in the Dojo. Only in this mode did I feel like a real Jedi. And each of the Vader Immortal parts has a separate dojo mode, so up to several hours of gameplay!
I always thought it was a boring training mode, but in fact it's the opposite - several dozen levels and different lightsabers to unlock in each part. These experiences are an addition to the dojo mode :D I'm happy as if I bought a new Star Wars game, and I had it all the time... If you also forgot about this mode and the game is gathering dust in your library, you must play it!