The reason Pell actually survived!
This is my final statement here,
My last voice of reasoning:
Vivere Card - One Piece visual dictionary - card #0199, Pell information released,
Have to downplay Pelli's height and piano with only the height, weight and age of Pelli's human form:
Pell is 189 cm tall and weighs approx. 90 kg.
The bird that Pell has as a devil frutti is,
Falcon/Peregrine falcon whose real life information can be found here:
Length: max 60cm
Weight: max 1.5kg
The plunging speed of the peregrine falcon is the fastest in the world, which is:
380 km/h
In order to know how fast Pell can swoop down, we need to calculate how fast Pell can carry the giant bomb up.
We know how large the explosion radius of the bomb in question is: 5km
You could say that Pell flew about, 7km?, if you want to play it safe with that, if it had been that 5km height, that bomb would still have hit Alabasta and everyone would have died, but since the drawing clearly shows that the bomb is above and only the pressure hits the ground , it can be assumed that the bomb was much higher than 5km.
If 7000m ÷ 5s = 1400 m/s = 5040 km/h
How heavy, long and wide was this bomb?
For example, the atomic bomb "Fat Man" used in Nagasaki had an explosion radius of about 1 mile, a little on the side, and when you don't have 100% information on how much, you lock it in: approx. 1.04 miles = 1.67km
"Fat Man" was 3.3m long, 150cm wide and weighed 4899kg. weather
For our bomb, we only know about the blast radius, but on some level, the bigger the radius, the bigger the bomb. But really, it is also affected by the material of the pmmi, etc. But if we simplify, the calculation goes like this: And in order to get Fat Man's blast radius of about 5km, we have to multiply it by three
approx. 1.67km • 3 = 5.1km blast radius
Length 3.3m • 3 = 9.9m
Width: 150cm • 3 = 4500cm = 4.5m
Weight = 4899kg • 3 = 14,697kg = 14,697 t
Pell stump in 5 seconds at 1400m/s at a speed of 14.697kg (+ Pell's own weight) i.e. = 14787kg bomb, to a height of more than 5km (assumed 7km).
Pell can carry a total of 14,787 kg (including own weight) from the front, which is 164.3 times its own weight.
So in other words, without the extra weight, Pell traveled straight up 164.3 times faster.
164.3 • 1400 m/s = 230,020 m/s = 828,072 km/h
So, according to this, Pell travels straight up with his own weight in 5 seconds
230 020m/s • 5s = 1 150 100m/s5= 1150.1 km/s5
How long does it take to travel 5 km from Pell if the speed is 230,020 m/s
5000m ÷ 230,020m/s = 0.021s = 21ms
And now that we have subtracted the weight brought by the bomb to Pell and found out how quickly Pell would have risen into the air without the weight, we have found out how long it takes Pell to travel 5 km at that rate of ascent, so the next step is to find out how fast Pell can fall + the earth's gravity (G = 9.8m/ s)5000m ÷ 230,020m/s
= 0.021s • 9.8m/s
= 0.2s
= 2 ms
So it takes 2 milliseconds to make a 5 km long trip from Pell
And like the combination bomb "Fat Man" was used earlier as an example, it took 10 seconds before it reached its maximum size.
In other words, a big explosion takes longer to travel.
If it takes 10 seconds for a distance of about 1.6 km,
So then, simply thinking, it takes about 30 seconds for a 5km size to be at its maximum size
So Pell has already decided to leave the place several days ago before the bomb properly manages to hit Pell.
So in other words, according to all this,
Pell wants to dash for 5 km in 0.2 seconds
while the Alabasta bomb took 30 seconds to be 5km wide