Solo queue ranked is just the worst
First of all, I have been playing OW exclusively solo for 99% of the last 8 years. I just don't like the extra “pressure” that comes with it, at least for me. I also want to play at the Elo that I can reach solo without anyone pulling me up. If I play solo after that, there's a good chance that I'm simply too bad for this Elo and will unnecessarily mess up the rounds for other players.
However, solo que has gotten worse and worse over the years. Out of what feels like 10 games, about 2 games are ok. The rest is just pure randomness, whether you have a smurf stack, cheater or onetrick in your or the opposing team. I'm not interested in winning 10/10 games, losing is part of it, but the rounds should be fun and not completely one-sided.
The game is of course more fun for most people in a stack, that's what it was designed for, but it seems to me that playing together has been exploited more and more recently to gain an advantage. However, solo players suffer the most from this.
Personally, I would rather wait 5 minutes longer in the queue and get a good round with stricter matchmaking. In my opinion, it simply cannot be that a 5 stack plays against a 5 man solo team. 80% of the time the stack always has an advantage.
This is especially bad on EU servers because hardly anyone uses voice chat on EU servers and you can't really coordinate.
I'm playing less and less OW because the problems mentioned above seem to be getting worse and worse, and it now feels like randomness decides whether you win or lose.
And another thing. Most of the time the argument is “Yes, only because you don't have any friends” or “Then look for friends”. This has absolutely nothing to do with it. The people who stack should rather be happy that there are still players who play solo, otherwise a 5vs5 would not be possible in some constellations.
I'm currently playing in low Masters, high Diamond, I don't know what this issue looks like at other elo ratings.