This is gonna sound stupid, but I think I've gotten good enough that the game is no longer as fun.
I'm not even that good. I'm a high gold/plat DPS so like solid middle-of-the-pack player. I used to like Overwatch because I could just turn my brain off after a long day's work and follow my tank around and click heads and get kills.
But now there's no more clicking heads because everybody's constantly using cover. Even if I land a Cassidy headshot, they instantly dart behind cover and their supports have heads on a swivel and just top them off in half a second. I have to be aiming in split second windows and waiting and calculating and second-guessing their every move to pounce on a mistake.
I can't just play by instinct anymore because the second I'm out of position, I'm mowed down. I can't take cheeky flanks and get a kill, I have to be planning smart, impactful flanks and tracking everyone's movement abilities. I can't stand where I want. I have to be seeking out the high-ground at all times and constantly trying for positional advantage.
I can no longer just use my abilities and ultimates when I feel like it. I have to be tracking everybody else's abilities and ultimates both on my own team and the enemies team, or I will flub or someone else will counter me.
I can no longer win 1v1's by just out-aiming the other person. I have to be accounting for the terrain and tracking their cooldowns and try-harding and strafing like a maniac.
And if I make a single mistake, I die in like 1.3 seconds and I feel like a fool.
Anyways, I tried playing support yesterday (where I'm ranked a lot lower, like mid-silver) and had a lot more fun because it felt more like the game I used to play. Relaxed, chill, no so much effort to be impactful.
I'm not complaining, but I guess there's a point where the game just gets a lot more sweaty and it's no longer enough to just be playing casually if you want to have an impact on your team winning. That's not a bad thing. It just makes me evaluate that maybe what I want from Overwatch is a casual shooter experience to relax and that's not what the higher ranks are about lol.