Pre cycle blood work… what does this mean 🤣🫣
Pre cycle blood work… E2 very high, how do I combat this and do I go ahead with the cycle
FSH 1.5 - 12.4 R 9.20 IU/L
LH 1.7 - 8.6 R 9.7 0 IU/L
OESTRADIOL 41.4 - 159 R 277 0 pmol/L
TESTOSTERONE 8.64 - 29 R 15.5 nmol/L
FREE TESTOSTERONE - CALC. 0.2 - 0.62 R 0.372 nmol/L
FREE ANDROGEN INDEX 35 - 92.6 R 65.1 %
PROLACTIN 86 - 324 R 248 mIU/L
Any help appreciated
Edit : Male, 27, 5”10, workout 5 days a week. 69kg. 12-15%body fat.