I was diagnosed with PNES last year after being diagnosed with both epilepsy and pnes, however my neurologist told me that she was changing my diagnosis to PNES and not both. She said it's because I wasn't responding to any of the Epileptic medications. She said she diagnosed me with epilepsy because although i didn't have abnormal brain waves while having the seizures, I do have abnormal brain waves without having seizures...That's why she diagnosed me with epilepsy and PNES. I am so confused with my diagnosis. I'm going to see another neurologist in August to get his opinion because I want to make sure I don't have epilepsy because I am pregnant. I've been experiencing seizures since I was 16. My longest seizure was 3 hours long in January. I've been intubated twice and put in a medical induced coma. The first time I was intubated was because I had respiratory failure and my seizure wouldn't stop so they put me in a medical induced coma. The second time I was intubated was because they wanted to protect my lungs.